Caused by HPV (human papilloma virus), plantars warts often appear on the bottoms of your feet, and can be painful and unsightly. We don’t recommend over-the-counter medications because they may damage healthy tissue around the wart and contribute to spreading.
You have to treat the wart by creating controlled damage to the lesion. The body has been tricked by the virus to supply blood and nutrients to it and it will often become dormant. A new normal is achieved and the wart is here to stay. The body thinks it’s normal and that’s why they are stubborn to be removed and can last years.
The best way to treat it is to come into our clinic and allow one of our professional chiropodists treat them. The body needs to be stimulated into creating its own defence against the virus. There is technically no cure for warts. The body has to be allowed and set up to fight against the virus itself.